Paperback £10

ISBN 978-1-905493-27-2


The Effective Leadership Guide 

by Michael Nicholas

In every business, quality of leadership has a profound impact on growth and profitability. Yet exceptional leaders are not born that way - they must learn their skills along the way. Whether you run the whole company, a division, or are the head of a team, your success will be determined to a huge degree by your ability to influence the people around you.

For many, developing leadership skills presents a difficult challenge. Every day pressures simply create higher priorities. This book provides a solution by offering a comprehensive set of principles that can be integrated into your regular practices. It will provide you with a toolkit of ways in which to reinforce your strengths which could, in a relatively short period of time, transform your ability as a leader.

Michael Nicholas is the Managing Director of Optimal Track Ltd and has helped hundreds of people and teams to achieve greatly improved results, for them and their businesses.